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Five Small Changes to Make Your Library More Inviting


The library is the heart and soul of the school community, it is a place for students and teachers to escape the hustle and bustle of the busy school day and enjoy peaceful time by themselves or with their peers. Libraries are a wonderful place for students to engage in their studies away from the traditional classroom, however, sometimes they can be overlooked. This is where Abax Kingfisher comes in, we are dedicated to helping our clients in creating exciting and inviting school libraries.

So, without further ado, here are five small changes to make your library more inviting:

1. Create a Reading Corner

Nothing is more inviting than a cosy reading corner in a school library. Add some comfortable bean bags, and a colourful rug to create a space that young students will enjoy. This is also a great place for teachers to take their students during class for more relaxed learning or reading time.

blank2. Display Student Artwork

Celebrate your students’ accomplishments by displaying their creative work in the school library. This will not only liven up the library with colour but will also entice students to visit the library on a regular basis to see the displays.

3. Purchase Quality Library Shelving

The books on the library shelves are truly the essence of the school library, therefore it is important that you have adequate and quality library shelving that will withstand the test of time. Abax Kingfisher’s library shelving have been designed around the many ways people will interact with them. Whether you are displaying magazines, or traditionally stacking books on your shelves, we supply the premium products suited for all your shelving and storage needs.

blank4. Incorporate Technology

Technology has become a vital tool in education, so it is important that libraries have a substantial amount of computers, laptops, and tablets for students to use. Make sure that your students are aware that there are technological resources available for use within the library

blank5. Collaborative Seating

Libraries are a great place for students to gather in groups and collaborate on tasks. Ensure that you have adequate collaborative spaces that include soft seating and large desks for ultimate comfort and space when working for long periods of time. Check out Abax Kingfisher’s Cosy Pod, which combines privacy and comfort and promotes creativity when working in groups.

blankAt Abax Kingfisher, we are proud to provide library and school furniture Sydney schools love! Contact us today on 1300 811 054 and speak to us about how we can liven up your school library.

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