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Understanding Abax Kingfisher’s Post-Installation Support and Customer Service

Education Furniture Suppliers

Understanding Abax Kingfisher’s Post-Installation Support and Customer Service

At Abax Kingfisher, we take immense pride in not only providing top-notch educational furniture but also ensuring that our relationship with clients extends beyond the point of sale and installation. We’re often asked about the kind of ongoing support and customer service we offer after our furniture has been installed. We believe it’s crucial to address this to help you understand how we stand by our products and services.

 Our Commitment to After-Sales Support

For us at Abax Kingfisher, the sale is just the beginning of a long-standing relationship with our clients. We recognise the importance of ongoing support and customer service in maintaining the effectiveness and longevity of our products. As a leading furniture supplier in Australia, providing post-purchase support is an integral part of our service.

Robust Warranty and Assured Durability

One of the pillars of our commitment to ongoing service is the substantial warranty we offer. Our furniture range comes with a 10-year warranty, reflecting our trust in its durability and quality. In particular, our library shelving boasts a 25-year warranty, which is a testament to its longevity and resilience against wear and tear. This warranty is not just a promise of quality; it’s a cornerstone of our post-installation support, giving you peace of mind and reliability.

Collaborative Consulting and Customisation

At Abax Kingfisher, we engage in detailed consultations with our clients about their goals and objectives for their new spaces. This process involves understanding and addressing your needs, even after the furniture is installed. We see this as an essential part of our ongoing support, ensuring that our furniture continuously meets its intended purpose.

Open Communication Channels for Support

We understand that questions and needs can arise post-installation. That’s why we encourage our clients to reach out to us for any queries or support required. Our doors (and phone lines) are always open for you to discuss how to maximise the benefits of your furniture purchases in enhancing educational outcomes.

As one of Australia’s premier education furniture suppliers, we recognise the importance of post-purchase customer service and support. We invite you to contact us directly for any specific details or support you need.

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